Since “going green” is such a cultural movement, and is especially prevalent in the business world, it’s easy to see why there are so many business blogs that are oriented toward their green initiatives. It’s something that generates a lot of interest, especially from companies who are looking to better their own and from those interested in environmental studies. Despite the fact that these blogs are (often) interesting to read, as the blogger it’s easy to run out of ideas. If you’re looking to freshen up your eco-friendly business blog, here are a few topics you can refer to.
A Progress Timeline
Where did your company start with its green movement, and where is it now? Do you have any facts or figures to show how far you’ve come? It’s always interesting to see the type of progress that can be made over a couple of years with just a few changes to your business plan here and there. It’s also inspiring to other companies who wish to start making their own changes to reduce their carbon footprint. This is plenty of material to create blog post that will generate discussion.
How did you Begin?
It seems like a mountainous feat to consider beginning a green business, but everyone has to start somewhere. Just like Alex F Bouri shares his story about how his company, Seament, was started with a small business loan and some dedication, people want to know about how you got to where you are. It’s inspirational to see that most businesses just start as an idea in the average person’s mind, and shows that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Why do you Do It?
There are always stories in the news about the impact certain industries have on the environment, whether it be due to the amount of waste they produce or the emissions they put out. Share these stories and explain how finding ways to reduce and reuse makes an impact on the Earth. If you’ve got any personal anecdotes that motivate you to stay green, share those too. Sometimes it takes a bit of reality for people to realize just how big their impact – positive or negative – can be on the world around them.
Share the Story of your Day!
If you can’t think of anything else to write, walk the reader through a day in the life at your business. What small choices do you make that add up? How has going green changed the way you do business? This is what gives other companies ideas for improving themselves.